young man in eyeglasses sitting on wheelchair and working on laptop at night office ia generated


Supporting Canadians with disabilities with competitive digital skills training.

Project Overview

Updated July 29, 2024

The Problem

In Canada today, over 6 million Canadians over the age of 15 live with a disability and 39% of unemployed people with disabilities have the potential to work. As demand for digital talent continues to grow and businesses continue to experience a digital skill gap in their workforce, it becomes imperative for the Canadian economy that individuals of all abilities be skilled and equipped with the digital skills that are increasingly in demand across many industries.



Aujourd’hui, au Canada, plus de 6 millions de personnes âgées de plus de 15 ans vivent avec un handicap et 39 % des chômeurs en situation de handicap pourraient travailler. Alors que la demande de talents numériques continue de croître et que les entreprises continuent de souffrir d’un déficit de compétences numériques au sein de leur personnel, il devient impératif pour l’économie canadienne que les personnes de toutes capacités soient qualifiées et dotées des compétences numériques qui sont de plus en plus recherchées dans de nombreux secteurs.

How We Are Solving It

March of Dimes Canada will lead this short-cycle training program with a goal of supporting Canadians with disabilities to gain the digital skills needed to become confident digital citizens and remain competitively employable in a digital economy. The project aims to train over 1,160 learners and offer continued support over to learners in securing employment or continuing with ongoing education.  

Training pathways range from beginner digital literacy and advance to career essential and advanced digital skill certification. Learners will also gain essential employability skills to support their job integration and job search activities, including network expansion through mentorships. 



La Marche des dix sous du Canada dirigera ce programme de formation de courte durée dans le but d’aider les Canadiens et Canadiennes en situation de handicap à acquérir les compétences numériques nécessaires pour devenir des citoyens numériques confiants et rester compétitifs sur le marché du travail de l’économie numérique. Le projet vise à former plus de 1 160 apprenants et à leur offrir un soutien continu pour leur permettre de trouver un emploi ou poursuivre une formation.

Les parcours de formation vont de l’initiation à la littératie numérique à la certification des compétences numériques professionnelles essentielles et avancées. Les apprenants acquerront également des compétences essentielles en matière d’employabilité pour soutenir leurs activités d’intégration à l’emploi et de recherche d’emploi, y compris en élargissant leur réseau par le biais de mentorats.

The Result

The SkillingUp project offered training to 945 participants, with 100% of participants being from underrepresented groups in the tech sector. Just under 230 participants completed the full training as of March 31, 2024; of which over 90 achieved employment or transitioned into on-going education after completing the program. An additional 66 learners completed their training, with another 12 obtaining employment following graduation as of June 2024.

SkillingUp provided the momentum to incorporate technology considerations into almost all strategic conversations and future service offerings for March of Dimes Canada. Ongoing MODC program offerings are being designed with SkillingUp as an intervention tool to help ensure their clients become confident digital citizens – conversations that may not have been so relevant if SkillingUp was not developed.

Project Lead

  • March of dimes png

Project Partners

  • EN Primary Stacked Logo
  • microsoftmedia
  • Funded in part by Canada Wordmark(SSP) EN ()
  • Govt of Canada SFS FR