Mobile Wellness Declaration
Mitigating the spread of COVID-19 by leveraging a mobile authentication platform.
Project Overview
Updated March 31, 2023.
The Problem
Seniors in long-term care facilities have been the hardest hit group during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It’s critical to find new ways to protect these homes, as well as workplaces where the virus can spread quickly.
Workers and residents alike are at risk of exposure during everyday activities. These interactions are also difficult to track when someone tests positive for COVID-19, and that depends on a manual, time-consuming and error-prone process reliant on people remembering everyone they met during the past two weeks.
How We Are Solving It
The Mobile Wellness Declaration project will add a layer of protection by retro-fitting existing card access systems in these facilities with touch-free screening surveys to control access and adding new thermal imaging technology to detect potentially ill people before they can enter.
Mobile Wellness Declaration is led by BioConnect and brings together Mara Technologies and Suprema, as well as several end-user organizations that are testing the solution.
The project enables long-term care facility administrators to turn any door with a traditional card reader into a smart door that is monitored and controlled from anywhere. A person who wants to enter a care home will have a wellness declaration tool pushed to their mobile phone. A series of questions will screen them for COVID-19 symptoms, or other risk factors, and deny access if they are deemed at risk. If infrared scanners detect an elevated body temperature, a potential symptom of COVID-19, access will be denied, and a notification sent to the individual’s phone. Those blocked access may be directed to a local testing centre.
The goal is to expand the project to include workplaces at risk of COVID-19 spread, helping to protect more Canadians and support our country’s economic recovery.
The Result
This project developed a digital COVID-19 screening tool, incorporating a wellness declaration and temperature scanner, that can be integrated into existing keycard access systems. This solution aimed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by preventing potentially ill people from entering buildings and keeping workers, visitors, and residents in long-term care facilities safe. During the project pilot, the platform supported the MaRs Discovery District return to work in line with mandates set out by Ontario’s Ministry of Health.
Project Lead
Project Partners
“The collaborative benefits to the Digital Supercluster and its Members were that it demonstrated how a quick, focused, and iterative effort can bring value to people across Canada in a short period of time. And importantly the project allowed us to file a number of patents in relation to the technology we developed which we believe will provide us a long term competitive advantage.”
Watch the BioConnect Video Chief Customer Officer, BioConnect