Successful Businesswoman in Stylish Suit Working on Top Floor Of

Digital Innovation and Leadership Initiative (DIAL)

The Digital Innovation and Leadership strategic initiative has been custom designed to help people and companies develop capacity for digital transformation.

Project Overview

Updated October 16, 2024

The Problem

Canadian companies need access to new talent or to upskill their current employees to keep up and be successful. 

CEOs know digital is the future.  They also know that people – their people – are behind in their technology ambitions.  Without skilled talent, no company can successfully drive their growth plans forward.  While it is tempting to pause or cut back, this is not the time.

How We Are Solving It

Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business is leading the Digital Innovation and Leadership (DIAL) strategic initiative in collaboration with private-sector, public-sector, not-for-profit and educational partners, including Salesforce, Instructure, Magnet, RADIUS SFU and the First Nations Technology Council. As the largest investment by the Digital Supercluster in a capacity building strategic project, SFU Beedie is bringing together a consortium of diverse partners.


DIAL is designed to provide a systems change solution for Canadian employers looking for access to new talent or to quickly and effectively upskill current employees. Two responsive training programs are offered:


  1. Digital Transformation Management – For early to mid-career individuals who want to develop a digital innovation mindset along with the skills and capabilities to generate digital innovation ideas and put them into action in their daily work. Ideal for project managers, analysts, developers, and both internal and external consultants.
  2. Digital Transformation Leadership – For leaders who manage teams that are driving digital transformation in their organizations. This program will help them to understand where they are on their digital journey, assess an idea for change and create a pitch to communicate that vision to their team, peers and senior leadership. Ideal for any leader who is engaged in a digital initiative.


The aim is for diverse, equitable and inclusive participation, including gender parity and at least 30 per cent representation from under-represented groups, including Indigenous peoples, members of the LGBTQ+ community, racialized Canadians and people living with disabilities.


The initiative is focused on Canada and is already scaling globally. Through international partnerships, there is potential to deliver the training in up to 70 countries and 30 languages.

The Result

The DIAL program engaged with over 200 organizations and successfully graduated over 650 professionals and leaders in B.C. and across Canada within forestry, health, biotech, government and not-for-profits to develop the mindset and toolset to succeed with digital innovation. Alumni stories include leaders from YVR Airport working on the airport’s digital twinning project, the head of outpatients for St. Paul’s Hospital and senior systems analysts for Canfor. Read more alumni stories here.

Project Lead

  • SFU Beedie School of Business

Project Partners

  • CN
  • bdc
  • Surrey board
  • Untitled design
  • Untitled design
  • PacificBlueCross
  • PHC
  • BCChamber
  • mitacs
  • thrive e1633470768525
  • WIL Foundation
  • MacKay
  • Rick

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