Healthcare to Homecare Feasibility Assessment
Reducing acute care costs and optimizing individual care through precision health.
Project Overview
Updated March 31, 2023.
The Problem
The centralization of healthcare delivery within acute care facilities is increasingly costly, amounting to $125B in Canada.
How We Are Solving It
This solution intends to reduce costs and optimize individual care by shifting patients from hospitals to clinics and home environments through remote monitoring. The project aims to develop a precision medicine platform that uses real-time, remote monitoring and assessment to deliver data for prognostic, diagnostic and treatment regiments.
The Result
The results of this feasibility study led to follow-on investment through the Healthcare to Homecare project.
As part of the project, XCO released the initial version of the HealthONE solution. HealthONE combines dynamic data from proprietary technology and cognition tests to give physicians and caregivers more data to assess a patient’s frailty status and progression. The project resulted in global interest as well as opportunities to extend the solution for measuring long-COVID and monitoring Parkinsons.
Read our impact story on how XCO is helping doctors improve quality of care for Canadians with home-based tools.